boo what the critics say,
im still excited to see alice in wonderland.
even if there is no substance to the film, tim burton always does a good job with his imagery.
and although some people think his films are weird,
i find them to be hauntingly enchanting.
so,im still planning on going,
if only for the visual stimulation and the general acid trip that comes along with any burton movie.
im always in need of a good, (legal), acid trip.
im especially in need of a good escape with all this dreary snow weve been getting.
mother nature is very deceptive.
she tempted us with spring and then mocked us with a blizzard.
whats up with that?
i dont even know why i do my hair in the mornings anymore!
even with hat, umbrella, etc. i always end up drenched somehow.
at least its pretty,
otherwise id be a wet, angry girl.
for now im just wet.
and craving a hot dog.
now thats weird.