(i think it might be time to get an updated photo, eh?)
lovin life!
what else is new?!
i just cant say it enough.
i love love love my life.
i love my life because of the people that fill it, especially my fam.
i cant explain the feeling of love that i have for my family.
it comes from my heart and seeps down to the tips of my fingers and to the ends of my toes.
its warm and happy.
its the same feeling as smiling. but better.
its like my heart is smiling.
i love the phone calls, the text messages, the emails, and the time i get to spend with them.
i love the laughs, the teasing, and the talks.
i love it all.
it lights up my day. every time.
to mi familia:
you guys are such a blessing in my life.
you guys are THE blessing in my life.
thank God for temples. thank God for sealings.
im so glad that i get to be stuck with you for the rest of forever. : )