today im buzzing at my personal nirvana.
ive been reading about the sixties for the past week.
the sixties in america.
and, today, the sixties in britain.
i think i would have fit in in the sixties.
the fifties would have been too stifling for me. (read: june cleaver).
and the seventies were just too... well, disco and farrah fawcett-y. (induce vomiting).
i guess the early seventies were good. (fleetwood mac, led zeppelin, james taylor, john denver- i rest my case).
but the sixties were where its at.
i really love what was going on during this time.
i totally would have been the girl yelling, "make love (within your marital vows) not war!"
i like to think that i would have joined sncc and been at the sit-ins.
and i would have read thoreau with my friends and discussed ghandis civil disobedience.
yeah, im that person.
slightly hippie-ish.
side note: i hate war.
question: is it really all that radical to hate war?
to me, it seems more radical to support war. thats whats messed up!
there has got to be some other solution than blowing off the heads of half the population as a strategic way of conveying a message.
life is sacred. dont mess.
blah blah blah alexis on her soapbox. what else is new?
i also have a weird obsession with sixties fashion.
im not talking shirtwaist dress, pillbox hat fashion- although i do think that style is completely adorable and i believe that the whole chanel-suit thing worked well for jackie-o-
no, im talking mod style: mini skirts, sleeveless jumpers, and shift dresses.
to dress that way!
id be twiggy reincarnated.
except id actually eat.
(you see, as shocking as it may be, i love food far more than the way i look or even my health. it may be stupid, but its true).
and most importantly,
the music.
oh, sweet, sweet music.
the beatles.
bob dylan.
johnny cash.
simon and garfunkel.
jimi hendrix.
otis redding.
marvin gaye.
music is the one thing in the world that expresses emotions far better than words ever could have the power to.
so, i have no words.
all i know is that these artists and their music move me.
its as simple as that.
in summary,
alexis wants to live in the sixties to:
1) join the peace movement (which she can do today),
2) listen to the psychedelic awesomeness called music that was being produced during the decade (which she also can do today--although, unfortunately, not in a live setting),
and 3) dress like shes on the mod squad (which she can do today).
hmm, maybe i dont need the sixties to do those things.
maybe ill just become a fashionable hippie questioning my government and society in general while enjoying really good music, today!???!?
i love my life.
i love that i can do what i want and think how i want.
what a blessing.
(and yes, i realize how stupid it sounds to say "fashionable hippie." i know that i should be questioning the whole consumer culture thing if i want to be a real hippie. yeah, well, i dont participate in free love or recreational drug use, either. i can dress how i want.)
ps. (which is actually just my way of saying, "heres an extremely random tangent!"). have you looked outside? have you seen the forsythia? it is in full bloom and blowing my mind. how pretty!