i love reading.
i spent a couple of hours at the good ole b and n last night. (barnes and noble).
i found a few interesting books that i really want to read:
1. amazing face reading by mac fulfer.
(i think face reading is fascinating. but thats a story for another time).
2. social intelligence by daniel goleman.
(im also interested in relationships and the role that psychology plays in relationships. maybe someday ill be a conflict mediator? again, another story for another time).
buttttt, before i can even think about those, i have to read these:
1. how to win friends and influence people - a birthday gift from ady. (thanks, chica!).
2. fortress of solitude - a leftover from my christmas reading list.
3. stones into schools - feeding my obsession for all things greg mortenson.
4. something, ANYTHING by david mccullough, already! - this guy is required reading for anyone that claims to be interested in history, or so ive been told.
5. the lost symbol by dan brown - so i can be on the same page as the rest of the world. (literally! haha... ok, only funny to me).
and finally,
6. alice in wonderland - i need a refresher. its been a while.
also, maybe 7. the scarlet letter- i was stupid the last time i read this, so i need to read it again. not because im smart now, but because im less stupid.
if only this semester would end already so i could start reading what i want instead of what im required! (who am i kidding?! required reading rocks, too. speaking of which, gotta get back to jack kerouac!).