this is what is going on outside.
i friggin love this beautiful planet.
my pants have fake pockets.
if that isnt the stupidest thing in the whole world,
then i dont know what is.
i realized this yesterday while walking to campus.
i had taken off my jacket because it was actually warm outside. (surprise!!).
and i didnt have anywhere to put my phone and ipod.
when i went to put them in my pockets, there were no pockets. just fake ones.
so i actually had to carry my phone and ipod in my hand.
the horror!
when i got home,
i realized that the pockets werent fake. (good work, lex).
they were actually real!
the real pockets were hidden behind the facade of the fake pocket. (does that make sense?).
now if that isnt the stupidest thing in the whole world,
then i really dont know what is.
but, the magnolias are blooming so i guess it doesnt really matter.