at work,
i had to run across campus to pick up a package.
i had just finished devouring my pickle from my jasons deli boxed lunch (oh, the perks of working at the SOA!)
num num num.
then bill said,
theres a package for me,
across campus.
do you think you could run and grab it?
yes yes yes.
outside. yes.
so, i started out on my adventure to retrieve said package.
in case you havent noticed, winter is melting into spring.
and it is glorious!
i was even getting a little toasty in my purple, spotted trench!
on byu campus, spring means love.
(actually, on byu campus, anything and everything means love. winter means love, fall means love, summer means love. we zoobies are just FULL of love, apparently).
but its cute.
i left on this little errand without my ipod. it was weird. i always have my ipod blaring while i walk. without it, i realized my shoes squeak. thats annoying. i had no idea. i also had no idea the amount of laughing that goes on on campus all of the time!
anyway, after realizing that i need new, non-squeaky shoes, i saw the first set of lovers of this little field-trip. first, i saw the black-jacketed lovers. they were your typical indie whatever. they had the beanies and the skinny jeans and the vans. and they were super giggly and smiley despite their outward appearance.
seeing these lovers reminded me of a phone call i received from my grandma yesterday. it went a little something like this:
"lexy, can you come to dinner on sunday?" "food? what? absolutely i can." "oh good. and will you be bringing your boyfriend?" (i really have no idea where she got the idea that i have a boyfriend). "no, i dont have one of those. can i bring my roommate as a substitute?"
walking across campus without my backpack made me feel completely nekked. it was like a piece of my identity was missing. sans ipod, i kept hearing little giggles. i kept turning around to make sure no one was laughing at the girl without a backpack! (they werent... i dont think).
i picked up the package and walked back across campus, feeling slightly less stupid for not having a backpack because at least i had a package. at this point i looked somewhat official and even important. or maybe just like a gofer. either way.
then i saw the the hooded lovers. they were both wearing hoodies and had their rigamortis-deathgrip-athritic hand-hold going on. i sped walk to get in front of them and thats when i saw the japan+japan suited lovers. they were speaking japanese. konichiwa! and they both had jasons deli lunch boxes. accountants! i felt a strong sense of unity towards these individuals. we had just shared the same lunch.
then i rounded the corner and there was mt timpanogos. today there are clear skies so i could see the entire mountain. and it is stunning. as usual.
finally i saw the striped lovers. we crossed the street together. and i realized that all of the cute little couples i had seen today, all matched. weird. maybe that's the trick to finding the one. or whatever.
i finished this little jaunt with a friendly face. when i walked into the tanner building, there was my neighbor. on the flat screen. her picture was posted with a catchy little title, something like: "mom, rockstar and corporate leader." hi sister clark!
and then i looked down into the atrium and saw 2 bald guys with fantastic, cosby-worthy sweaters. i love my campus.