
life is so good.

i go through phases.
this last week,
i was in an angry-at-the-world phase.
i dont know why,
i just was.
this week im in an i-have-the-best-life-ever phase.
and i do.

and here are my reasons:

i absolutely love the opportunity i have to be studying at byu.

i love going to classes because i love receiving an education and seeing myself grow intellectually; and i can tell you, i have grown leaps and bounds over this past year. even just this semester i have grown exponentially. every week i feel as though im reliving platos allegory of the cave.

i love my majors, i love that i can be so fascinated in and enjoy my work, what a lucky girl i am!

i love my campus, it is so incredibly beautiful, even if its gloomy and snowy outside.

i love that my university invited cardinal george to speak yesterday, and i loved his talk. seeing my peers invite and welcome a catholic leader was a beautiful symbol of love and respect in a world so fraught with hate and anger.

i love the people that i associate with everyday: my acquaintances, my neighbors, my friends, my roommates and my family. for some reason, i have been blessed with the most beautiful, smart, wonderful friends, and some of the sweetest, patient, uplifting roommates. and even though i sometimes disagree with my family (sorry mom), i still love them more than words can express. i always get a little emotional knowing that i am sealed to these wonderful people for the rest of eternity. i seriously dont know what i did to deserve a family so kind, loving, fun and flat-out wonderful, but it must have been good.

i love my job. i have some of the best employers and coworkers. they are so good to me and so fun to be around and i love the students that i get to work with.

i love the mountains. i love living at the base of the rocky mountains and i love my view of timpanogos everyday.

i love my religion. i love God with all my heart and i love the gospel. i love the stability it provides and the source of happiness and peace it is in my life. i love learning about doctrines and i love learning how to be a better, more loving person.

and i love food. especially ciabatta bread dipped in balsamic vinegar. and dulce de leche + red velvet cake + chocolate truffle yogurt mixed together. and poppy seed cake.

there are many, many other things that i am so grateful for. i live an enchanted life and i am full of gratitude today.