today is such a happy day.
i know i say that a lot, but really. my life is so great.
and its happy for all the usual reasons, of course!
family. friends. job. school. it is a bit ridiculous how much i love my life!
1. byu.
rocking devotional today. i love LOVE loveeeddd james lovell. now i need to watch apollo 13. tonight. what a stellar story. what an inspirational guy. the way he talked about the earth blew my mind. hes truly a poet. go. go listen to it.
2. the earth.
james lovell. his description of the earth filled my heart with the Spirit. i love this earth and am so grateful for it. we are so lucky to live in a place so beautiful. just look out your window. have you ever seen anything so beautiful? "a leaf of grass is no less the journey work of the stars." lets protect it, shall we? so we can enjoy it and our kids can, too.
3. professors.
i ran into my old humanities professor. and he remembered me. and my name. and cared about my life! how cool is that? he is my favorite professor of all time and i look up to him in so many ways, so it made it even cooler that he remembered me. i felt very...special. but, seriously. it made my whole day. nerd? yes. do i care? not at all! in fact, im proud of it!
4. work
i work with professors. and they are all awesome. and i love them dearly. and im glad that they feel comfortable enough to tease me. it definitely makes my job more fun! oh! and then one of the other secretaries told me that my earrings are sassy. yes, please!
5. God.
He answers prayers. and is full of tender mercies. Hes so good to me all of time- even though im definitely imperfect. words are no where near enough to express the gratitude that i have for God all of the time, but especially today. im so grateful for the opportunities He gives me to find happiness in my life. i know Hes looking out for me.
6. text messages.
from my mom. "hello my little dumplings, lol." bahahaha! yes, my mom is cooler than yours. deal with it.
ok, i think i might be done bragging now.
have a lovely, lovely day.
7. im also grateful for you.
thank you for being a part of my life. i love you!