every tuesday,
my roommates and i go get yogurt.
its my favorite thing about tuesdays.
its a good little escape from studying,
and something fun to look forward to in the middle of the week.
in addition, we have a competition to see who can get their yogurt closest to costing 2.50.
so, we call it two-fifty-tuesdays.
(you see, they weigh the yogurt and then charge you).
i always win.
last night, mine cost 2.53.
last night was especially fun.
we sat on the couch,
and observed the various couples there on dates.
there were 3. (4 counting the double-date).
we watched the couples interact and then made judgments about their relationship status.
(yes, we did in fact find this to be incredibly entertaining).
the instant the double daters walked through the door, we determined the them to be married.
after a quick ring-check, sure enough, they were all married.
next were the in-between-phases daters.
this couple was fairly comfortable with one another, although still in the getting-to-know-you phase.
and finally, there was the first-date couple.
oh my heavens.
my roommates and i had so much fun watching this couple.
they were so so so awkward.
their conversation just dragged.
sometimes, it was clear that something interesting had come up because the girl would perk right up and giggle uncontrollably.
and then it would drag back into a despondent lull.
they were sitting facing each other. the boy had his arms on the table and kept leaning over the table, trying to get closer.
the girl would unintentionally lean back as he got closer and fold her arms.
in general, she just didnt know what to do with her hands. shed put them on the table and then fold them and then play with hair and then put them in her lap and then repeat.
i felt so bad for the boy. he was so interested and she was so... disinterested.
but it was funny to watch.
it got me thinking.
i wish i could hire someone to come and observe my date and tell me how it went.
sometimes, its obvious that it either went really well or that it went really poorly.
but most of the time, when youre actually in the situation, you miss all the little signals and all the body language.
if i could just have someone come and observe my dates and then let me know how they went afterwards.
it would sure clear up a lot of the confusion in my life.
maybe even all of the confusion!
if only...