dear world.
my new url is:
sexy lexy.

this past weekend,
we decided to float the provo river.
to do so, we needed a few things.
so, we made our way to WALMART!!!!
(for some reason the word walmart seems like it should be shouted).
so that we could support big business
and the high costs that come with the low prices.
when we got to WALMART!!!!!
we bought blow-up lounges.
we bought capri suns.
we bought sunscreen.
and i left feeling a little chaotic inside.
leaving WALMART!!!! was a relief.
we drove up the canyon.
we parked one car at our exit point.
we drove the other car to the starting point.
we parked.
we sunscreened.
we blew up the lounges.
we got in the water.
and we froze.
i shouted something about hypothermia.
then my knees starting bumping into rocks.
he shouted something about how he wasnt a wuss
because hes been over waterfalls.
i couldnt breathe.
my knees were bruised.
and we decided that enough was enough.
we got out.
we walked back to the car.
and we went swimming.
in a pool.
and then later that night we blew up ground flowers and piccolo petes.
happy 4th of july, everyone!
did you ever know?
girrrls weekend.
we had a lot of fun.
we drove to amys abode.
and played with animals.
i loved.
welcome to idaho!


trampoline = summer. true fact.

long day. crazy girls.

we played with the sheepies! i lovvvved the sheepies. they didnt love me.

but they sure were cute. awwwwww!

bum calves. they like to suck on fingers. it is slobbery and gross but also completely adorable.

amy loves pigs. even if they eat your shoes. (please notice the little bugger to my left, about to enjoy a nice sampling of vans).

pickups are better than convertibles.


we drove to lava hot springs. twice. and drank a&w root beer floats.

it was a delicious weekend.
i love these girlies to death.
respectively, they are the, the, and the matriarch,
and im so glad they are a part of my life.
we had a lot of fun.
we drove to amys abode.
and played with animals.
i loved.
welcome to idaho!


trampoline = summer. true fact.

long day. crazy girls.

we played with the sheepies! i lovvvved the sheepies. they didnt love me.

but they sure were cute. awwwwww!

bum calves. they like to suck on fingers. it is slobbery and gross but also completely adorable.

amy loves pigs. even if they eat your shoes. (please notice the little bugger to my left, about to enjoy a nice sampling of vans).

pickups are better than convertibles.


we drove to lava hot springs. twice. and drank a&w root beer floats.

it was a delicious weekend.
i love these girlies to death.
respectively, they are the, the, and the matriarch,
and im so glad they are a part of my life.
random thoughts. by lexy.

the last twenty-four hours have been interesting.
i couldnt sleep last night.
i tossed.
i turned.
my mind raced.
and i came to a conclusion:
happiness is a decision.
no matter what happens in my life, i will be happy.
i decided.
granted, there are a few things that would make it easier for me to be happy,
but even if life doesnt go as hoped for--
i am still going to be happy.
because there are too many beautiful moments in life to spend time getting caught up in the ugly ones.
i dont have time to be unhappy,
so i wont.
lately, ive felt like ive been beating my head against a brick wall.
ive struggled,
ive wrestled,
and ive even been on the verge of just giving up.
but then i remember my favorite mantra to repeat to people when im playing therapist:
"the best things in life take the hardest work."
(patience is work, people! at least it is for me).
yes, life can be irritating.
but after its irritating,
its rewarding.
there are things in life that push me to my limits,
to the point where i think that i dont have a chance at success,
but then i succeed.
and i grow.
and its beautiful.
so im grateful for irritating things.
because irritating things provide opportunities.
opportunities to become better, smarter, more aware, and closer to my God.
i love today.
i love that it rained for 5 minutes.
i love that my mom called me and that i got to spend some time with her and my sissy.
i love my friends. they were placed in my path by God. each one is there for a special reason-- to help me, to push me and to comfort me.
i love that i can learn through experiences- even if its challenging.
i am so grateful for it all.
the good,
the bad,
the sad,
the happy.
i am so grateful.
i like.
this talk.
this dress.
this song.
this quote.
this blog.
this painting.
that is all.
sad earth.
anyone else find it a bit ironic that the oil rig exploded on earth day?
anyone else disgusted that they havent found a solution yet?
God bless our polluted planet.
7 days to go.
i cant think of a snappy title.
my life is good and i am grateful.

i made 2 goals this morning.
goal one:
live a life of gratitude.
goal two:
be actively engaged in improving myself and the lives of others.
i think that as i work on goal one, goal two will be a little easier to accomplish.
my heart is often filled to bursting with gratitude for the blessings that fill my life. there are many and i am truly content right now. actually, content isnt the right word. no, im not content. im more than content,
isnt life just great?!
it is.
its great.
i have a beautiful family that loves me to death and does more for me than i could ever completely thank them for.
i have beautiful friends that care about me and want to spend time with me. they want me to be happy and they love me no matter what.
i attend a great school and i get to learn so much every day.
i have work. and its good and fun and always an uplifting environment.
i have a beautiful, stunning, breathtaking world to live on and enjoy.
i have a Savior that loves me and and a Father in Heaven that provides me with the most beautiful blessings and opportunities.
my life is bliss and i am a lucky girl to be living it.
thank you to everyone that is a part of it.
i love my life and i love you for being a part of this beautiful thing that is my world.

l.b. jeffries spent his days watching people.
he saw a lot of things that he probably shouldnt have seen,
and then made a lot of assumptions based on what he saw.
and, in the end, he ended up being right.
that made me mad.
he shouldnt have been right.
its wrong to only see a glimpse of someones life,
and then make assumptions about that person from that glimpse.
a glimpse tells you nothing.
a glimpse is just that, a glimpse.
there is a lot more to a person that what you may see through a window.
despite my complaint, i still liked the movie.
im always in need of a little alfred in my life!
up next? strangers on a train? psycho? vertigo?
ps. i dont like jimmy stewart. hes annoying.
just when i thought life couldnt get better, it did.

hello world.
im still alive.
just over here recovering from finals.
i am burrrrnt out, i tell you!
this semester wore me out.
i think i could easily slip into a coma the next time i fall asleep.
i am just flat-out tired.
BUT there is much fun to be had.
i have a six day break from school and i am enjoying it as much as possible!
how am i enjoying my breaky-break?? i shall tell.
1. training for a new position at work. so far, its involved spending a lot of money thats not mine and eating ice cream. i looooove my job!
2. sleeping in every single morning in clean sheets. (the clean sheets thing is a big deal because i have actually had the time to do my laundry and to clean my apt. i love cleaning and clean).
3. smashing a guitar hero guitar to bits and pieces. pretty satisfying.
4. watching the rain. walking in the rain. running in the rain. (i love rain).
5. watching lotss of movies. (and not feeling guilty about it!).
6. finally catching up-- really long conversations on the phone with my favorites and dinner dates with some of the most amazing people to walk the planet. its so nice to talk to and spend time with lovely people.
7. taking the time (and money) to try pretty much every flavor of odwalla. (orange honey passion is officially my favorite).
8. i finally got a haircut. for the love it was getting long and gross. i have the bestest hair-cutter everrr! thank you jess!
9. i get to see my sisters tonight! all of them! including the rawlings girls! i cant wait.
and 10. i dont know what else... it just felt funny leaving the list at nine. oh! ten, duhh: CHRISTINE MARIE TREE, MY BESTEST GIRLY, GETS HOME TOMORROW. i miss her so much that my stomach just aches. tomorrow cant come soon enough!
i am so happy.
i truly have the best life ever.
im surrounded by the most amazing people in the world.
God has been kind to me.
my dear friends, have a lovely, lovely day and a fabulous weekend! you deserve it!
if it kills me.
why is there still another month before so you think you can dance starts?
come sooner!! pleeease.
ladies and gentlemen: i only have one more final left. lets celebrate.
come sooner!! pleeease.
ladies and gentlemen: i only have one more final left. lets celebrate.
give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that.

i have no time.
ive had rear window sitting in my apartment for nearly two weeks, now.
its just sitting there, waiting to be watched.
i dont even have time to make meals anymore.
thats why i had a kit-kat for lunch today.
worst of all, i cant go to ceramics tomorrow.
i have never missed a single ceramics class.
and tomorrow im missing ceramics.
for finals.
there is something so wrong with that.
maybe next week will be less busy?
i have my fingers crossed.
happy friday!
im changing my major. again.
american studies.
history teaching.
history and humanities.
i keep changing my mind and, therefore, my major.
lets just say my decision is just becoming more refined.
haha, if only.
but humanities.
in 7th grade i was required to take art.
this class is a faded memory in my head, i dont remember much about it.
i dont remember the name or face of my teacher.
i dont remember the friends that i sat by. (or if i even had friends).
i dont remember learning how to draw or paint.
actually, i dont remember much about 7th grade, in general. (thank goodness?).
but, i do remember these images:

these pieces of art were burned into my brain as an awkward little 12 year old.
the colors, the stories, and the emotions drew me in- and didnt let go.
i will never forget these images or their artists:
(close, kahlo, matisse, and picasso).
(dang, i had good taste as a kid!).
seeing that artwork for the first time was like the first time i read a langston hughes poem or the first time i did improv with my dancer girls.
i just got it.
it made sense- more sense than anything else in the world.
it was so emotional and so moving that it has never left me and i refuse to ever live without it.
so, humanities.
i shouldve known all along.
yes, its the major that after graduation, people warily say, "good luck!"
but i dont care.
i love it.
and thats all that matters.
history teaching.
history and humanities.
i keep changing my mind and, therefore, my major.
lets just say my decision is just becoming more refined.
haha, if only.
but humanities.
in 7th grade i was required to take art.
this class is a faded memory in my head, i dont remember much about it.
i dont remember the name or face of my teacher.
i dont remember the friends that i sat by. (or if i even had friends).
i dont remember learning how to draw or paint.
actually, i dont remember much about 7th grade, in general. (thank goodness?).
but, i do remember these images:

these pieces of art were burned into my brain as an awkward little 12 year old.
the colors, the stories, and the emotions drew me in- and didnt let go.
i will never forget these images or their artists:
(close, kahlo, matisse, and picasso).
(dang, i had good taste as a kid!).
seeing that artwork for the first time was like the first time i read a langston hughes poem or the first time i did improv with my dancer girls.
i just got it.
it made sense- more sense than anything else in the world.
it was so emotional and so moving that it has never left me and i refuse to ever live without it.
so, humanities.
i shouldve known all along.
yes, its the major that after graduation, people warily say, "good luck!"
but i dont care.
i love it.
and thats all that matters.
the state of the union.
its a TWO post kind of day, apparently!
this made me giggle,
so i had to share it with the world.
the reeling.
there is no better way to kick off finals week than with a dance party.
and who better to provide the music for that dance party than passion pit?
i love.
and who better to provide the music for that dance party than passion pit?
i love.

this is what is going on outside.
i friggin love this beautiful planet.
my pants have fake pockets.
if that isnt the stupidest thing in the whole world,
then i dont know what is.
i realized this yesterday while walking to campus.
i had taken off my jacket because it was actually warm outside. (surprise!!).
and i didnt have anywhere to put my phone and ipod.
when i went to put them in my pockets, there were no pockets. just fake ones.
so i actually had to carry my phone and ipod in my hand.
the horror!
when i got home,
i realized that the pockets werent fake. (good work, lex).
they were actually real!
the real pockets were hidden behind the facade of the fake pocket. (does that make sense?).
now if that isnt the stupidest thing in the whole world,
then i really dont know what is.
but, the magnolias are blooming so i guess it doesnt really matter.
who thinks about fall when spring isnt even here yet?

im a wee bit absent-minded.
i always seem to have a mental block concerning major things.
for example, cleanliness. i can live in an very messy home without noticing the surrounding filth but i cant stand the sight of a single strand of hair on a shirt.
also, i miss out on big days.
like fall registration.
apparently that happened last monday.
when i realized that i had missed this, i was pretty upset with myself.
missing registration = reject classes and reject professors. boo.
BUT good news, everybody. i still managed to make a decent fall schedule! in fact, it rocks.
ill be taking an entire class devoted to the american gothic.
life really doesnt get much better, if you ask me.
a boring post about my summer reading list.

i love reading.
i spent a couple of hours at the good ole b and n last night. (barnes and noble).
i found a few interesting books that i really want to read:
1. amazing face reading by mac fulfer.
(i think face reading is fascinating. but thats a story for another time).
2. social intelligence by daniel goleman.
(im also interested in relationships and the role that psychology plays in relationships. maybe someday ill be a conflict mediator? again, another story for another time).
buttttt, before i can even think about those, i have to read these:
1. how to win friends and influence people - a birthday gift from ady. (thanks, chica!).
2. fortress of solitude - a leftover from my christmas reading list.
3. stones into schools - feeding my obsession for all things greg mortenson.
4. something, ANYTHING by david mccullough, already! - this guy is required reading for anyone that claims to be interested in history, or so ive been told.
5. the lost symbol by dan brown - so i can be on the same page as the rest of the world. (literally! haha... ok, only funny to me).
and finally,
6. alice in wonderland - i need a refresher. its been a while.
also, maybe 7. the scarlet letter- i was stupid the last time i read this, so i need to read it again. not because im smart now, but because im less stupid.
if only this semester would end already so i could start reading what i want instead of what im required! (who am i kidding?! required reading rocks, too. speaking of which, gotta get back to jack kerouac!).
captain of the starship the uss odyssey of the starfleet.
a lil shout out to the christa mcauliffe space center which makes a cameo appearance in this music video:
in sixth grade i was appointed captain of my crew at the space center.
the day before my flight, my orthodontist fitted me with a brand new retainer.
with this new retainer,
i couldnt speak without a lisp- in fact, i really couldnt speak at all.
anything that came out of my mouth just sounded like mumbled jarble.
i didnt speak much as a kid anyway, so it wouldnt have been that big of a deal,
but, i was captain-
i was in charge of shouting the orders.
so i went to the space center
wearing my retainer like a good lil kiddo,
but when i got there, i sneakily took the slobbery and saliva-y retainer out of my mouth
and shoved it deep into the crevices of my pockets,
then i boarded my ship.
i was on board for no less than two minutes when my ship crashed right into a meteor and everyone died.
but that was ok.
it was our first try, it happened to everyone.
so they gave me a second chance.
the second voyage lasted less than one minute.
the aliens invaded.
and killed us all.
it was kind of a crummy day on the odyssey.
but at least i could speak.
in sixth grade i was appointed captain of my crew at the space center.
the day before my flight, my orthodontist fitted me with a brand new retainer.
with this new retainer,
i couldnt speak without a lisp- in fact, i really couldnt speak at all.
anything that came out of my mouth just sounded like mumbled jarble.
i didnt speak much as a kid anyway, so it wouldnt have been that big of a deal,
but, i was captain-
i was in charge of shouting the orders.
so i went to the space center
wearing my retainer like a good lil kiddo,
but when i got there, i sneakily took the slobbery and saliva-y retainer out of my mouth
and shoved it deep into the crevices of my pockets,
then i boarded my ship.
i was on board for no less than two minutes when my ship crashed right into a meteor and everyone died.
but that was ok.
it was our first try, it happened to everyone.
so they gave me a second chance.
the second voyage lasted less than one minute.
the aliens invaded.
and killed us all.
it was kind of a crummy day on the odyssey.
but at least i could speak.
every battle heads toward surrender on both sides.
i freaking love the mountain goats.
john darnielle is a lyrical genius.
everything that he puts out is just good,
and he says it better than anyone else.
("it" being any emotion that you have ever felt).
hes that good.
so, deal with it.
enjoy the lyrical genius that is john darnielle,
and have a very happy easter.
i just havent met you yet!
i thought for sure that michael buble had to be gay.
i mean, no guy chooses a girl as hot as this for his music video without being gay. by choosing her, he is clearly compensating for his gay-ness:
another reason i thought he was gay was because hes engaged. i thought he was engaged only to (falsely) prove to the world that he is as straight as an arrow.

i was so wrong. michael buble is not gay.
in fact, hes kind of hot and sexy. (yeah, i never thought i would be saying that either).
have you seen this boy smile?

hes just too adorable to be sexy, right?
well he is sexy.
in person, anyway.
i saw him perform last night.
he puts on a fantastic show.
and, surprise! he is absolutely hilarious.
it was actually all his little jokes and whatever that made the show fun.
what a dorky, cute, sexy guy.
another thing,
he knows what everyone is thinking about him.
he knows we all think that he is gay.
wanna know how i know?
he told me.
he said, "alexis, i know you think im gay. because only gay guys sing about love the way i do. i mean, it is pretty gay to sing about love... but im just not gay."
(actually he didnt really tell me personally. i just added the "alexis," part in there for kicks).
but he did talk about the gay rumors, though, and how untrue they were.
and i believed him.
so, let it be known:
michael buble is not gay!
but he is engaged.
which is almost as bad as being gay.
either way i dont have a chance.
i mean, no guy chooses a girl as hot as this for his music video without being gay. by choosing her, he is clearly compensating for his gay-ness:
another reason i thought he was gay was because hes engaged. i thought he was engaged only to (falsely) prove to the world that he is as straight as an arrow.

(stop it, michael! youre sooooo silly! hahahahaha ; ) : ) ; ) xoxoxoxo).
i was so wrong. michael buble is not gay.
in fact, hes kind of hot and sexy. (yeah, i never thought i would be saying that either).
have you seen this boy smile?

hes just too adorable to be sexy, right?
well he is sexy.
in person, anyway.
i saw him perform last night.
he puts on a fantastic show.
and, surprise! he is absolutely hilarious.
it was actually all his little jokes and whatever that made the show fun.
what a dorky, cute, sexy guy.
another thing,
he knows what everyone is thinking about him.
he knows we all think that he is gay.
wanna know how i know?
he told me.
he said, "alexis, i know you think im gay. because only gay guys sing about love the way i do. i mean, it is pretty gay to sing about love... but im just not gay."
(actually he didnt really tell me personally. i just added the "alexis," part in there for kicks).
but he did talk about the gay rumors, though, and how untrue they were.
and i believed him.
so, let it be known:
michael buble is not gay!
but he is engaged.
which is almost as bad as being gay.
either way i dont have a chance.
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